Foundation Grants

Foundation Grants

The Ray C. Anderson Foundation seeks to promote a sustainable society by supporting and pioneering initiatives that harmonize society, business and the environment for the present generation and tomorrow’s child.

We achieve this mission through inspiring and funding innovative, educational and project-based initiatives that promote visionary change in society.

Gray Notes™ Grants are awarded annually.

Gray Notes Grants

Gray Notes™ Grants were created in honor of the comments and questions Ray would write to his Interface associates on his gray notepad, encouraging them to solve the next great sustainability challenge his company faced.  We likewise hope to encourage and support our grantees in solving particular sustainability problems that our society currently faces.  Since the Foundation's relaunch in 2012, the trustees have identified four lead projects that they have committed to support long-term through Gray Notes Grants:  Drawdown Georgia, the Biomimicry Institute, (Biomimicry Launchpad and Ray of Hope Prize®), The Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business at Georgia Tech's Scheller College of Business and The Ray.

NextGen Grants

The Foundation's NextGen Committee was established in 2012 and it was made up of Ray's grandchildren and their spouses.  This group met regularly for 11 years, and took an active role in perpetuating Ray's legacy by investing in projects geared to making the world a better place for Tomorrow's Children. Today, three of Ray's grandchildren and their spouses have joined the Foundation's Board of Trustees.

Please note: The Ray C. Anderson Foundation accepts grant applications by invitation only, with funding preference in the Southeast, particularly in Georgia. Grants from the Foundation are limited to no more than 5% toward indirect costs. To access tax returns and the tax determination letter for the Ray C. Anderson Foundation, click here.